New Head of Juveniles at Ode

Feb 1, 2024

July 1, 2024

He comes from the position as Chief of Biological Production at Lumarine, a company that  has a close collaboration with Ode. Hangstad has previously worked as a senior advisor at Akvaplan-niva and has extensive experience with the production of cod and other marine fish. At Ode, he will have the overall responsibility for Ode's integrated production of juveniles from roe to sea release.

"Through some great years at Lumarine, I have gotten to know and worked well with the team at Ode. When the opportunity came to work even closer together, it was not hard to say yes to the chance to work even more closely with skilled people I have gotten to know. Together, we will work to produce the best possible cod, from roe to sea-ready fish, which will provide a product that ends up on dinner tables at home and abroad," says Thor Arne Hangstad, Head of Juveniles at Ode.

"We are extremely pleased to have Thor Arne join the Ode team. He will undoubtedly be a key person in further developing our value chain with a focus on juveniles. With his long experience in the industry and knowledge of cod fry production, I am convinced that Thor Arne is the right man for the job. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Finn-Christian Skjennum who has held the position as Head of Juveniles from the start, Finn-Christian is a doyen in the cod field and has been crucial in the development of fry production at Ode, as he now retires, we believe Thor Arne will be an ideal successor," says Ola Kvalheim, CEO of Ode.

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